Goat milk is the most complete food known. - Journal of American Medicine
Goat milk contains vitamins, minerals, electrolytes, trace elements, enzymes, protein, and fatty acids. In fact, the body can digest goat’s milk in 20 minutes. Having fat molecules one-fifth the size of those in cow’s milk makes it easily digestible and tolerable even for dogs with digestive issues. Raw goat milk is a source of easily digested probiotics that can help with many chronic diseases, including:
Liver disease
Heavy metal poisoning
Kidney disease
Kidney stones
GI disease
Poor digestion
Fermenting goat milk adds another layer of nutritional value.
The fermentation process adds more probiotics which metabolize the lactose in milk and combine with its other nutrients to create the above health-supporting compounds.. Although fermented milk and dairy foods have been consumed for thousands of years, we’ve only recently begun to understand their benefits in fighting modern chronic illnesses such as arthritis, irritable bowel syndrome, gastric ulcers, colitis, intestinal pathogens and even brain disorders.
Native peoples in about every country consume some type of fermented milk product, each with its own unique name yet very similar in its composition. Some examples include langemilk in Sweden, dahi or chaas in India, orjan in Greece and skuta in Chile.
Kefir, a fermented milk drink, has recently gained popularity in the US. Traditional Slavic people used a starter culture consisting of multiple strains of yeast and lactic acid bacteria added to either cow, goat or sheep milk. The starter culture medium for kefir is often referred to as kefir grains because of its grainy, cauliflower-like appearance. Kefir grains were passed on from family to family to sustain the active cultures. Until the mid 1800s, most milk in America was consumed fermented, referred to as sour or clabbered milk, and also cultured buttermilk.