Hate to measure? Use this a simple guide for feeding the components (parts) of a raw diet!
How to combine the 4 basic components of homemade dog food.
Imagine an entire carcass of any prey animal a meat eater
like your dog or cat would eat.
Now envision how much of that creature is made up of the 4 Daily Components
1) Muscle
2) Bones
3) Organs
4) Vegetable
and fruit matter that may be present in the prey animal’s GI
re-simulate this in a "mini-version" each meal
You’re feeding the primal diet intended by nature
Rule of thumb is the goal in
feeding raw is to balance over time and a variety of ingredients may be used
for each component, for example for meat: venison, chicken or beef may be used.
For bone: ground bone, raw meaty bones, egg shell powder or bone meal may be
used. For organs: heart, liver, gizzards, kidneys from different species may be
used. You get the picture.
Roughly your
pet’s meals will be composed of components in these portions:
Just about the same proportions that each of these components
are found on the carcass
of a prey animal.
We have all the products to fill in your missing components should you need help completing your "pie"!