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Natural Parasite Control

Diatomaceous Earth
parasite control

Diatomaceous Earth

Diatomaceous Earth (or just DE) is dirt made from the fossils of phytoplankton. 
Hence the name "diatome"-aceous earth.

This amazing natural product can help prevent parasite infections and keep giardia at bay.
It is important that you select FOOD GRADE diatomaceous earth when shopping.
(The other stuff is fine for gardens and pools as a natural pesticide and algae deterrent, but you want the best if it's going to be ingested.)
As a matter of fact, you've been eating DE your whole life anyway! Bread, cereal, and cracker companies use it to kill bugs in their  mixes and as an anti-caking ingredient. It's also very inexpensive making it super cost effective wen treating kennels & herds.

It also increases mineral absorption, helps grow strong nails/hooves and aid in skins elasticity.

Feed about 
2 tsp per day for 40lb+ dogs
1/2 tsp for cats
1/2 C for 1000lb horse 
1 Tbsp for a human.

PLEASE NOTE it has been my experience that if an animal is already infected by parasites that a de-wormer from your DVM will most quickly and thoroughly eradicate the parasite from the host. 
DE will prevent re-infestation, or infestations to begin with.

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