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Floatation Devices for Dogs

Life Vests for Dogs and why
life jackets for dogs

Reasons to put a float coat on your dog this summer

  1. Not all dogs are great swimmers
  2. Not all dogs are as buoyant as they look (or they think!)
  3. Cold waters can cramp up muscles
  4. Montana rivers have dangerous "holes"
  5. Dogs get tired
  6. Float coats are brightly colored for visibility
  7. Float coats have "grab" handles
  8. Float coats can help keep a dog warm
  9. Peace of mind.
  10. People are less likely to drown themselves trying to rescue a dog that's wearing a float coat.

When fitting your float coat to your dog, don't worry about the length. 
We don't need their butt to be above water, we need their head to stay above water! Get it good and snug around the chest cavity, with a sturdy handle on top of the shoulders and plenty of roomaround the neck for big breaths.
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