Animal Nutrition Blog

A corral of information for the health of your pet.
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Vit C Supplement Dosage for Dogs

February 14, 2014
Vit C
It's well known that dog's produce their own Vit.c, but  if stress, illness, or age causes a dog’s need for vitamin C to outstrip his ability to produce it, supplementing him with C is a sensible choice. Here's some guidelines for doing so.
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December 4, 2013
 Understand that each food is different with regards to its caloric content and caloric density. As a result, the brand of food you are feeding plays a big role in the amount you'll ultimately be offering your dog. Don't always go by what the label recommends to feed. Dog food manufacturers tend to aim high with their recommendations; after all, the more food your dog eats, the more money they make. Instead, focus on the calories per serving. Armed with that information lets check out how to determine daily calorie needs.
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Bodily pH of a Dog

June 25, 2013
pH of a dog
The pH level is one of the most important balance systems of the body. The term pH stands for “potential” of “Hydrogen.” It is the amount of hydrogen ions in a particular solution. Food / Water (H2O) taken into the body eventually breaks down into H+ and OH-. When a solution contains more H+ than OH-, it is acidic, vice versa it is alkaline.
Weather  a body's tissue pH is acidic or alkaline has an impact on health.
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Feed Chicken Protein or Carbs?

June 17, 2013
chicken feed

With the wide variety of options to choose from, it is no wonder purchasing poultry feed can be confusing. Not only are there a range of age specific feeds, but within each type there are choices offered with different ingredients, whole grains or pellets, Organic, etc. While many selections come down to personal preference, some of the most confusing and vital considerations are regarding use of higher protein feeds and when additional carbohydrates are beneficial.
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Raw "Extras"

June 14, 2013
Here's some ingredients you're likely to already have on hand that make beneficial additions to your recipes.
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Changes in Your Dog’s Stool on Raw

May 27, 2013
5 day old raw poop
One of the additional benefits of switching your pet to a raw dog food will quickly become apparent – you will see a significant reduction in the size and odor of your dog’s stool. 
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